
Monday 29 November 2010

A Thanksgiving in Stockholm

I hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving. We had a snowy one. Very snowy.
We decided to spend our Thanksgiving in Stockholm with all our friends. We currently live about seven hours south of Stockholm and traveled by train up to Sweden's capital city on Wednesday.
We celebrated on Friday instead of Thursday since it's not a real holiday here and you don't get the day off.
In my usual obsessive-planning way, I sent out a list of typical Thanksgiving foods and asked everyone to pick a dish to make. At first G did not understand, "isn't Thanksgiving just like any potluck? You bring what you want?" "No, you can only have certain foods at Thanksgiving, it'd be like if I were to bring a bowl of hummus to Christmas dinner." "Oh. Ok."
I'm glad we got that straightened up.
I made the stuffing and the cranberry sauce. The stuffing is a family recipe and my favorite part of Thanksgiving. The cranberry sauce was a bit too soupy but got the job done.

Apparently Thanksgiving food is really hard to photograph. Especially after a glass of wine or two. So I mapped it out for you guys.
Our friend Oskar made a tofufurkey (most of us are vegetarians) which ended up being baked in a form-spring pan. We sliced it like pie and it tasted like Thanksgiving.
Anders made the sweet potatoes, he was skeptical of the marshmallow topping. It's an acquired taste.
Sofia, who hosted us, made the amazing dinner rolls and set the table with cute leopard print napkins.
Ivan and Vanja made mashed potatoes and a really cinnamon-ey apple pie (not pictured).
Also not pictured is the pumpkin pie our friends Niklas and Therese made. It tasted like home.

Despite the modern day conventions, I'd imagine that this was what the first Thanksgiving was all about. People coming together, enjoying each other's company, and being thankful. I definitely was thankful to celebrate a holiday that would've otherwise made me feel terribly homesick if it hadn't been for our amazing friends. Thank you guys.

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